Library information: Special collections (rare books)
This item is part of TU Wien Bibliothek's special collections, rare and valuable items for which special restrictions of use apply.
The special collections include all items published up to 1800 and other valuable or fragile books and journals. The items are kept in the Library's closed stacks.
Requested items will be available at the Main Library's circulation desk on the first floor on the day after they have been requested (Mon - Fri) and can be read in the Rare Books reading room.
Items from the Special Collection are not available for loan and can only be used in the Rare Books reading room. A University ID card or valid identification card (passport, driving licence etc.) is required.
Rare Books reading room
The Rare Books reading room has been set aside for the supervised consultation of rare books.
As many of these items are unique and irreplaceable, please help us to maintain the security and preservation of the collections by observing the following rules:
- Bags and outdoor coats must be left in the lockers; no food or drink (including bottled water) is allowed in the Reading Room.
- Pencils or laptops only are to be used for making notes.
- The maximum number of items issued at any one time is 5 volumes.
- Every item will be inspected by staff before and after use.
- Damage or theft of material is an offence and those responsible will be prosecuted.
- Please note that items may be withheld if they are judged too valuable or fragile for use.
- Readers must seek permission from a member of staff before taking photographs. No scanners, pen scanners or copying devices may be used. If copies or scans are needed, they will be made on request by library staff.