Fifth Floor
Mathematics books arranged by TU Wien Classification
The Main Library mathematics books are arranged in the shelves according to the TU Wien Classification
TU Wien Classification - subject group MAT

Shelves of Mathematics books arranged by TU Wien Classification
Mathematics books arranged by MSC
The mathematics books collection of the former Mathematics Library includes around 26.000 books. These are arranged according to the MSC Classification (the Mathematics Subject Classification of the American Mathematical Society).
Mathematics Subject Classification
- Textbooks have the classification number 00-01 (school textbooks) and xx-01 within every main class (e.g.
03-01, 60-01...)
- Reference works have the classification number 00A20.
Example for MSC classification numbers:
05 Combinatorics
05C Graph Theory
05C85 Graph Algorithms
05C90 Applications
05C99 None of the above but in this section
Over the next years, the MSC mathematics collection will be integrated into the main library MAT collection and shelved by the TU Wien classification. Please refer to the online catalogue for up-to-date information on where to find each item.